Sunday Worship
Join us for
When: 10:45a
Where: Immanuel Baptist Church
Address: 292 Nason St, Rossville, GA 30741
Instructions: Parking available in front. Enter front sanctuary door. Restrooms available in foyer. We’ll make you feel right at home!
Contact: Pastor James Durham (Cell): (850) 417-4523.
What do I wear?
You’re welcomed to wear what you have. Our men typically where slacks or jeans. Our women typically wear long dresses, or something feminine. Ladies head-coverings are welcome, but not requred. We just ask that you dress in a decent, respectable manner.
What do my children do?
We love having children in our worship services. We encourage families to sit together and worship the LORD as a family. We do a number of things each Sunday, to help children participate—including children’s songs, catechism, bulletin, and T.A.G. (Truth & Grace) children’s program. A church with the squeaks, coos, and shifting of children is a church with a bright future. Instead of childcare, we have a room for nursing mothers and comfortable seating in the rear sanctuary foyer if a child gets really upset.
What is the service like?
We aim for our worship services to be reverent, joyful, and accessible to the everyday Christian. We sing hymns, songs, and psalms in familiar styles. We listen to the word preached passage by passage with an eye towards practical application. The goal above all is to give glory and honor to our Almighty God!
Our services are usually about 75 minutes long. We start at 10:45a and end by 12:00p.
*FAQ’s adopted/adapted from East River Church.
What To Expect
Warm Hospitality
Expect to be greeted at the door by a warm welcome. Expect to make some new friends. We want you to feel right at home, like an honored guest. If you need prayer, biblical counsel, or a listening ear, we’ve got you covered!
Joyful Singing
Expect to sing a wide range of songs including the very best of classic hymns, modern praise, potent psalms, and even some rousing sea-shanties on special occasions. We select our music based on the following criteria; God-exalting, doctrinally rich, deeply encouraging, and highly singable! As one pastor put it, “We aim to sing the kind of songs that you would want to come to mind as you sit next to your child in a hospital bed or across the dinner table from your dad as he walks through the final stage of terminal cancer. We want songs that would feel fitting on your wedding day or your dying day…not shallow puddles but deep wells.” Click here for a playlist of the songs we sing.
Sincere Worship
Expect our worship gatherings to be ordered according to Scripture. You won’t find awkward attempts to entertain through novelty or faddish innovation. Instead of spectating at a stage performance, you’re invited to participate in everything we do from singing, to corporate reading, to communion, to active listening as the Word of God is preached.
Biblical Preaching
Expect to hear the Bible preached in a clear and faithful manner that helps you better understand who God is and what life is all about. Sermons range from 35 to 40 minutes. We preach series through entire sections and books of the Bible ensuring that we cover a wide range of pertinent themes & topics, allowing for broad application to all of life. Our approach is called “expository preaching” which means we first strive to communicate the authorial intent of the text (Ie. What God intended to communicate, through the original human author, to the original audience), and then we make application to our own lives, striving to be practical and helpful. This approach helps guard against imposing modern notions upon the ancient Scriptures, and is foundational to applying the Scripture in wise, faithful ways to help us grow in the faith.
Family Integrated
Expect to worship as one big family. We’re very intentional to include all ages, from senior adults to babies in diapers, in our Sunday gathering. We realize children can be noisy, and we don’t mind a little noise. We have a space in the back of our sanctuary foyer, to aid parents when children need attention. We incorporate age-appropriate catechisms & learning aids to help children and youth engage in Sunday worship. We encourage parents to consistently model a sincere love for God, including in faithful, joyful Sunday worship. Children will apprehend more and more each new year, and the Sunday church investments will compound over the course of their upbringing.
Safe Setting
Expect to be well protected. We have a dedicated security team that takes your safety very seriously! We also have protocols in place to protect your children, which include background checks & accountability for leadership, including anyone working near youth & children. We keep a vigilant eye on the most vulnerable and keep parents informed of any and all safety concerns related to your children. We guard the well-being of all by addressing sin with wise and measured church discipline (according to Scripture), and by dealing with crime through prompt reporting & full cooperation with the law.